Thursday, 25 July 2013

Camper Malopolski on TVP Krakow again! / Camper Małopolski znowu na antenie TVP Kraków!

Camper Malopolski's journey to France and Benelux will be presented again in the "Turystyczna Jazda" ("Touring Ride") programme on TVP Krakow channel! You can watch us on:
- Thursday 25th July (today!) at 5:55 PM
- Friday
26th July at 7:20 PM
- Saturday
27th July at 10:45 AM
You can also watch the programme online (at the hours indicated above):


Znów będzie można podziwiać Campera Małopolskiego podróżującego po Francji i krajach Beneluksu na antenie TVP Kraków! Program "Turystyczna Jazda", a w nim camper jako główny bohater, będzie emitowany już dzisiaj oraz przez kolejne 2 dni! Oglądajcie nas w:
- czwartek, 25 lipca, godz. 17:55,
- piątek
, 28 lipca, godz. 19:20,
- sobotę
, 29 lipca, godz. 10:45.
Program można również oglądać online, na żywo:
Trailer of a programme about Camper Malopolski broadcasted on TVP Krakow / Zwiastun odcinka emitowanego na TVP Krakow o Camperze Malopolskim


Tuesday, 23 July 2013

We invite everyone to 17th Dahlie Rallye in Cracow! / 17. Dahlie Rallye w Krakowie – ZAPRASZAMY!

Camper Malopolski, as most of the caravans from the Central Europe, will take part in the 17th Dahlie Rallye 2013! This event will be special for us, not only because it is an event devoted to caravans, but also because it takes place in our home city - CRACOW!

Between 5th and 8th September you will find us on Kolna street, Cracow, among campers from Czech, Slovakia, Hungary, and many other european countires!

For those who has not know yet - caravanning rally Dahlie Rallye is an annual event addressed to motorized tourists from Central Europe which also attracts caravanning enthusiasts from different parts of the continent.

Camper Malopolski, as a 'baby' of the Małopolska Tourism Organisation - one of the organizers of the event, has a great pleasure to invite you to participate in the 17th Dahlie Rallye! 

For more information go to:  


Camper Małopolski wraz z innymi samochodami kempingowymi z Europy Centralnej, weźmie udział w XVII Dahlie Rallye! To będzie dla nas wyjątkowe wydarzenie nie tylko ze względu, że jest ono skierowane do camperów, ale także dlatego że odbędzie się ona w naszym Krakowie!

Pomiędzy 5 a 8 września znajdziecie nas na ulicy Kolnej w Krakowie. Będziemy tam pomiędzy innymi, licznymi kamperami z Czech, Słowacji, Węgier i innych państw europejskich!

Dla tych co jeszcze nie spotkali się z imprezą Dahlie Rallye – jest to zlot caravaningowy adresowana przede wszystkim do turystów zmotoryzowanych z Europy Środkowej, przyciągająca jednocześnie miłośników caravaningu z różnych zakątków naszego kontynentu. Dahlie Rallye jest  imprezą cykliczną i w tym roku przypadają jej siedemnaste urodziny.

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Concert in one of the most beautiful wooden churches! / Koncert w jednym z najpiękniejszych kościółków drewnianych!

The Parish Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Binarowa is one of the most beautiful sites on the Malopolska Wooden Architecture Route. In this astonishing place the Perfugium choir performed on the 21st July. 

Kościół pw.św. Michała Archanioła w Binarowej to jeden z najpiękniejszych obiektów na Szlaku Architektury Drewnianej w Małopolsce. W tym niezwykłym miejscu 21 lipca odbył się koncert chóru Perfugium, który wykonał program "Alfa i Omega. Rok liturgiczny w pieśniach tradycyjnych". Mieliśmy okazję posłuchać kilkanaście wyjątkowych pieśni liturgicznych w znakomitych aranżacjach zespołu.

Thursday, 18 July 2013

This weekend - concerts in Binarowa and Blizno! / Koncertowy weekend w Binarowej i Bliźnie!

This weekend Camper Malopolski is inviting to “Music in Magic Wood” summer concerts, which take place in the wooden architecture UNESCO sites.

The first concert is on Saturday in Blizno (Podkarpackie region). The performance will be in the All Saints' Parish Church. It starts at 4 PM. In this charming place the Duo Sonore will perform: Ilona Nieciąg and Krzysztof Leksycki. 

The second concerts is on Sunday in Binarowa (Malopolska region) at 6 PM. In this magnificent sacral wooden architecture piece of art – the Parish Church of St.Michael the Archangel, the Perfugium band will perform.

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Octavia Ensemble performed in Debno / Octavia Ensemble wystąpiła w Dębnie

The Sunday, 14th July, the Octavia Ensemble performed in one of the most precious and beautiful churches in Poland.

Debno Podhalanskie’s church is famous because of astonishing polychromy from XVI century. It is the oldest European polychromy preserved in one piece. The 77 motives, presented in 33 different colours variants, can be found. Another church’s treasure are xylophone – the only one of this kind in Poland and one of five in word. To see for what it is so special, you have to call by Debno Podhalanskie…   

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Revel at Bartnik – an exceptional apiarian event! / Biesiada u Bartnika – wspaniała pszczelarska impreza!

Have you ever heard about „Biesiada u Bartnika” (revel at Bartnik)? It is an exceptional event that takes place in the Beekeeping Museum and Heritage Park in Stroze, nearby Grybow!

Every year at the beginning of July thousands of tourists are coming to Stroze. They attend to conferences during which prominent specialists, professors, famous scientists share their knowledge. This year festival’s motto was “Let’s help the bees, so they will help us”. During the conference visitors could learn about incredible qualities of honey and honey-made cosmetics. There was a painting setting set up as well as the photographic contest. “Biesiada u Bartnika” for many is an synonym of good fun, joy and honey goodies. 

Monday, 1 July 2013

The “Polonia Minor” prices in the hands of those, who contributed to inscription of our treasures on the UNESCO list! / Nagrody “Polonia Minor” w rękach tych, którzy przyczynili się do uzyskania wpisów UNESCO naszych małopolskich perełek!

After the concert in Siedzina heritage park Camper Malopolski moved on to Nowy Sacz, where the Malopolska voivodeship sejmik session took place. This session was special because the inscription of 4 wooden Greek Catholic Parish Churches, the Bochnia Salt Mine, Żupy krakowskie Museum in Wieliczka was celebrated. Astonishing Greek Catholic Parish Churches in Brunary Wyzne, Kwiaton, Owczary and Powroznik UNESCO Committee appreciated in June 2013. Celebrating this great distinction the short films about the wooden treasures were presented during the session as well as most deserving people received “Polonia Minor” prices.

July dawned! / Nastał lipiec!

The year 2013 is an exceptional year for the Wooden Architecture Route. It is the 10th anniversary of wooden churches’ inscription on the World Heritage List! On this prestigious list can be found: four Malopolska’s treasures – church in BinarowaDebno PodhalanskieLipnica Murowana and Sekowa, and two Podkarpackie region churches – in Haczów and Blizne. Additionally, in June 2013 the 8 Greek Catholic Parish Churches were inscribed on the UNESCO list: 4 in Podkarpackie region: Radruż, Chotyniec, Smolnik, Turzańsk, and 4 in Malopolska region: PowroznikOwczaryKwiatonBrunary Wyzne.